29 October 2024. An exciting development for the retail sector, Payap has been launched as New Zealand’s first digital wallet and Point of Sale app.
Author - Fredrika Staf
22 October 2024. Beleaguered retailers are feeling more confident about their future, even though many are still struggling to meet sales targets, according to...
14 October 2024. Three business associations are calling on Wellington City Council to review its CBD roadworks programme, considering the likely impacts on...
14 October 2024. Stats NZ electronic card transactions for September show total retail figures are flat compared to a month earlier, however total retail for...
If you cannot find suitable New Zealanders for a role you are advertising, you can apply to hire migrants on the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)...
Retail crime presents an increasing health and safety risk to employees and customers and to the financial sustainability of retail businesses.
Christmas is sneaking up fast, it’s a good idea to start thinking about your staff roster and public holiday pay over the Christmas and New Year.
The Holidays Act allows businesses to closedown once per year, allowing your staff to take annual holidays, refresh and recharge for, in most cases, the...
18 September 2024. Retail NZ is delighted to be included in the Ministerial Advisory Group on Retail Crime (MAG) and is committed to working for the best...
12 September 2024. Electronic card transactions show a slight increase of 0.2% when comparing August and July 2024 seasonally adjusted data.