Westpac’s Managing Your Money June series: Weathering the storms


Note: Registrations for this webinar have now closed. Thank you to everyone who attended. If you are interested in more such events, keep an eye out on our website events calendar.

Money on your mind?

Everyone can use a little extra help when it comes to reaching their money goals. Westpac’s Managing Your Money programme joins us to offer their engaging, practical and interactive financial wellbeing programme to help you feel more confident when it comes to making decisions about your money.

You are invited to join the Westpac Managing Your Money team for their June series with topics building to their final webinar about the economic update where they will have Michael Gordon – Senior Economist at Westpac NZ giving his insights into the economy, breaking down the headline news and a look at the remaining half of the year.

Session Two: Weathering the storms

Date: Thursday 15 June 2023
Time: 11:00am – 12pm
Location: Online workshop (through Microsoft Teams)
Cost: FREE

This workshop will cover:

Things to consider, and how you might be able to best prepare for the unexpected. We look at savings, debt, insurance, and a quick step into power of attorney’s and wills.

To access Microsoft Teams please review the attached How To’s for desktop and mobile.

The Managing Your Money team offer these classes as general information only and do not talk about Westpac products and services. If you need personalised advice, email [email protected] they’ll find the right person/team to help.

You may also be interested in this event in Westpac’s Managing Your Money series:

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