What groups can I take part in?
As well as representing the interests of all retailers, big and small, Retail NZ has specialty groups.
Leading Retailers’ Group
The Leading Retailers’ Group is a forum for major retailers. We have regular sessions that allow senior retailers to:
- network;
- discuss policy issues facing the sector;
- share non-competitive information and intelligence;
- provide input into Retail NZ’s advocacy work programme; and
- engage with Ministers and MPs
A number of leading retailers have signed the NZ Retailers’ Pledge on Racism.
Electronic Waste Reference Group
Our Electronic Waste Reference Group allows members to feed into policy work on the shape of future product stewardship schemes supporting electronic waste.
Grocery Group
Our Grocery Group allows members with an interest in food and grocery products to have their say on non-competitive issues. Members of this group have made pledges on reducing childhood obesity and country of origin labelling and provided input into our work on container deposit proposals.
Specialty Trade Groups
Retail NZ also incorporates the Sporting Goods Association (NZSGA); the Bicycle Industry Association (BIANZ); the Pet Industry Association (PIA) and the Jewellers’ Association of New Zealand (JANZ). Members of the Sporting Goods Association trade group are eligible to apply to the Jack Carter Fund to support staff training.
For more information, or to take part in any of our groups please email [email protected].