Member Benefits

Suppliers Directory

Directory of retail suppliers for your business

From shopfitting, to point of sales, to market research, here you’ll find service providers and retail distributors for your retail business.

Would you like help finding services in the Retail NZ Suppliers Directory? Then you can get in touch on 0800 472 472 or [email protected].

Are you a retail supplier? If so, you can apply to be listed here! To apply, email us on [email protected].

Our suppliers are here for your business. See what our six supplier directory sections includes:

Crime Prevention:

In this section, you will find a range of suppliers who can assist with bollards, fog deployment devices, alarms, security cameras, e-learning training and security officers. This will help prevent retail crime in your business.

Business Operations:

In essence, this section is for the smooth running of your business operations. So, you’ll find service providers spanning accounting, power, petrol, and security. You’ll also find services for point of sales, digital marketing, business consulting and travel.


In this section, you’ll find our related councils, associations, peak bodies and trade show specialists.


Chiefly, your team members are a key part of your business. With this in mind, you’ll find coaches, recruitment agencies, education providers, and Employment Assistance Providers in this section.


Here our suppliers offer a range of goods services. So, they’ve got you covered for stocktaking, warehousing, wholesale goods, and more. In essence, you’ll find services related to your products.


This section has what you need to run your store, whether it’s your bricks and mortar shop, or your ecommerce store. So, we offer everything from music licensing, to digital marketing.

If you’d like some help with the Retail NZ Suppliers’ Directory, or if there’s a service that you’d like to see listed here, then you can get in touch on 0800 472 472 or [email protected].

Our Supporters


Would you like one of our team to give you a call? Let us know and we will get back to you.