Media Releases

Changes to Employment Relations Act welcomed by retail sector

4 December 2024

Retail sector employers will be generally supportive of proposed changes around the personal grievance system, Retail NZ says. 

Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden has announced plans to reform personal grievances as part of the Employment Relations Amendment Bill, to be introduced next year.

“Retail NZ members have told us that receiving a personal grievance claim from an employee is an upsetting and difficult process,” Retail NZ Chief Executive Carolyn Young says.

“Some employers have genuine reasons to pursue performance management or disciplinary action. Where an employee has engaged in serious misconduct, they should not be compensated through the personal grievance system.

“We look forward to the prospect of the Employment Relations Authority and the Employment Court having more leeway to recognise when employees are at fault.”

Statistics show that employers are favoured in only about a third of personal grievance claims. Retail NZ will be interested in seeing what the proposed, more simplified process entails, Ms Young says. The many small businesses in New Zealand need processes that are simple and easy to follow.

“Retailers need fit for purpose, stable, predictable employment laws that are easy for business owners to navigate and comply with, creating an environment where businesses can prosper, and entrepreneurs can develop and grow new businesses.” 

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