May 2023
Episode 1:
The Warehouse Group
The Warehouse Group have been in business for almost 40 years. They’re known for being ‘Here for Good’ – it’s who they are and what keeps them focused to succeed.
It is this approach that enables their teams to be prepared for any emergency and by keeping plans simple and flexible means they continue to serve their communities and customers.

“We put a continuity plan together and this allows us to be really quick and effective when supporting our teams, the business, the community as well as our customers in a crisis”.
Gaylen Van Heerden
HR Area Lead – HR Business Partnering, Core Remuneration and HR Strategy
The Warehouse Group
Watch Episode 1
With our How-To Retail series, we delve into the journeys of New Zealand’s great retailers. Undeniably, the people we interview are doing it right.
We hope you have enjoyed our How-To Retail: Building Resilience Edition video series. If you want to hear more from inspiring retailers around New Zealand, take a look at our other editions, How-To Retail and How-To Retail: Recovery Edition.
If you have any questions, comments, or if you’ve got a retail story that you’d like to share with us, please feel free to get in touch.